What can I sell?
On Sofia Gray you can sell everything from used items, such as; panties, sex toys and socks to exclusive pictures and videos. Sellers can see the full list of things they can sell from their personal dashboard.
Do you take a commission or percentage from my sales?
No, we do not take any commission or percentage from your sales. You keep 100% of the funds made on your sold items and content.
How much do sellers make?
The earning potential on Sofia Gray is unlimited! We have hobbyist sellers making a cool side income, to hardcore sellers who sell on Sofia Gray full-time!
But we know you’re looking for numbers, right? So here’s a breakdown of monthly sales for the average active seller* on Sofia Gray:
8 items a month sold
10 private collections unlocked
15 message unlocks
5 videos unlocked
*Correct as of July 2021. Active sellers are those with complete profiles reaching SG Superstar status.
Is it free to sign up as a buyer?
Yes, it’s completely free to sign up as a buyer! Please note: we only allow one account per person.
Why should I join Sofia Gray?
We’ve worked hard to make our platform the go-to for those interested in buying used items and amateur content.
Our extensive filtering options help you easily find the girl (or girls) of your dreams. With just a couple of clicks, you can message, enjoy free galleries, unlock private galleries and videos, order custom content, and more.
You can also choose to showcase your own profile in our buyers section, and have girls contact you first. We’re committed to you having a positive experience, so if you need any help or support, please do reach out to us.
How do I find what I’m looking for?
Our shop has in-depth filtering to ensure you can find exactly what you’re looking for. Be it shops selling dirty panties, or raunchy videos, you’ll be able to narrow down your search to exactly what you want.
Set up your store in minutes! List used panties, lingerie, sex toys, and more.
Sofia Gray isn’t just for sexy used items. Get paid everytime someone wants to unlock your private galleries, videos, or even message you!
We do not take any commission, percentage or markup from your sales. Our only charge is a small membership fee to open your shop.
Why wait for the buyers to come to you, when you can go to them? Sellers can contact any of our lovely buyers directly to see if they’re interested in their shop or just want to have a chat.
We already have tens of thousands of buyers signed up with more joining each and everyday.
You can accept custom requests from buyers! Be it pictures, videos or items - live out their fantasies and drive them wild.
We have a number of convenient payout options, meaning once you make a withdrawal you’ll have the cash in your hands in no time.
Some sellers like to be seen, some don’t. Show however little or much as you want to. You have the control.
Each shop comes with a ‘Tip’ feature - allowing happy buyers to tip you in just a few clicks.
Our seller review system allows you to establish yourself as a reliable, satisfying seller - helping you to exponentially increase your shop purchases.
Join the thousands of sellers just like you making a side income selling their used panties with us.
As sexy as used panties are, we don’t stop there! Browse lovingly used lingerie, sex toys, private galleries, and much more!
Gain permanent access to the hottest pics and clips from our lovely Sofia Gray sellers.
Have a specific fantasy? Want your items to be worn in a certain way? Request a custom order! Sellers can create custom videos, pictures and even customise items.
Direct message any seller on the site, ask a question, make an order, or just have a chat.
Using our in depth filtering options you'll easily be able to find just the type of seller, item or shop you’re looking for!
Your information is never stored, archived or collected . Users will not see your personal information at any point .
Sofia Gray will never appear on your bank statements . You will remain completely anonymous and secure in all transactions through our platform.
After making a purchase, unlocking a gallery or even just having a conversation, you can leave a review on the seller's profile telling others about your experience.
Do you like the attention of the sexiest women from around the world? Good! You now have the option to be a featured buyer - where you’re placed at the top of all buyer listings, getting the most attention, love and deals!
It’s not only sellers who can build a following. Buyers can gain followers, reviews and so much more. Build your profile as one of the most trusted and loyal buyers on Sofia Gray.